Has the car broken down? Don’t have the cash the repairs? Need emergency finance for your car breakdown? QuidMarket Short Term Loans looks at all aspects of emergency car repairs. Read on to find out…
You can always call the RAC on 0800 015 6000. To help the RAC find you faster, you can download the RAC app.
What do you do when your car breaks down?
If your car breaks down on a road other than a motorway:
If possible, get your vehicle off the road and turn on your hazard warning lights to alert other drivers. If it’s safe for you to leave the vehicle, you can place a warning triangle in the road, on the same side, around 45 metres behind your vehicle to warn any oncoming traffic.
Keep your sidelights on if it is after dark, and make sure you’re not standing anywhere that obstructs your lights from view or in the road.
If you’re able – and if it’s safe to do so – you can attempt to make repairs. If you’re in any doubt that it’s safe, however, exit the vehicle along with any passengers and relocate to a safe spot to call for a breakdown service, like one of the following:
If your car breaks down on a motorway:
Pull into the hard shoulder as far off the road as possible, and turn your wheels to the left so they’re pointing away from the motorway.
Put your sidelights and hazard lights on to warn other drivers, especially if it is after dark. Remember, you’re not the only vehicle that might need to use the hard shoulder.
Once you’re in a safe place – behind the barrier or further up the bank if this is an option – use a mobile phone to contact a breakdown service, describing your location from the marker posts.
If you don’t have a mobile phone, or if there’s no signal, walk to an emergency telephone, which will connect you straight to the police. You can locate your nearest phone by following the arrows on the posts at the back of the hard shoulder. Be sure to stick to your side of the carriageway – never attempt to cross the motorway.
Give the police your full details, and let them know if you’re a vulnerable motorist, such as an older or disabled person, or someone who’s travelling alone or with children. Wait near your vehicle until help arrives.
How do I pay for emergency car repairs?
If you are wondering how to pay for car repairs when you are short of money, you are not alone. If you have an emergency fund, this is what you have to consider. If you don’t. Here are some other options;
- Borrow from family or friends. This is pot cheapest option so doesn’t be embarrassed.
- Try to find a cheap mechanic, ask friends and family to recommend one
- Consider a short term loan. We offer small amounts from £300 to £600 loans, which can be used for car finance breakdown cover.